The Wisdom of Coffee (FREE business & enterprise forum)
Bi-weekly entrepreneur chat over Zoom and a hot cuppa (in your own home) about ideas, plans, business, and life in general. Great for meeting people, making friends, and helping them (i.e. building your network with interesting, like-minded people.
Today's chat (16:30-17:30 UK time) suits anyone in the Western hemisphere: from Europe to the Pacific.
Christopher Norris is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting:
Topic: The Wisdom of Coffee: Zoom Meeting
Time: Thursday afternoons, 16:30-17:30 hrs (London, UK time)
Join Zoom Meeting
Please consider joining the Wisdom of Coffee's WhatsApp group to get the most value from being a member of this Meetup community. Here is the link for you to click:
Every week on Monday until April 1, 2025
The Wisdom of Coffee (FREE business & enterprise forum)