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Perry Lakes - Rebold Hill - Bold Park Loop Rtn (10k)

Photo of Damo Jolly
Hosted By
Damo J. and Marie
Perry Lakes - Rebold Hill - Bold Park Loop Rtn (10k)


Hi All,
Anybody interested in co-hosting this with me - just drop me a DM.

(Pin map quite accurate) Starting at the Perry Lake end and walking up Rebold Hill, around the Zamia and Camel trails before rtn back to the start for coffee. Due to the longer distance and known 'up/down' nature i'd put this at a regular walker over 10k walk - probably not a route for first timers, transition back to fitness and/or injury recovery....

Sunday 29th Sep 24

Car park on West side of Rope Playground at Perry Lakes
Please use the Google pin in meetup if you are unsure of start point
Using the address can be misleading for some GPS's

There is a car park for 20 - 25 cars at the start and two car parks about 150 meters away, plus some street parking near the coffee shop.

10 Km

2 hours plus coffee time

All on good hike paths

Good walking shoes
Hat & Sunscreen

At the start point there are two benches with roof's and lots of shaded grass. The coffee shop is about 50 -75 meters from the start but it's very small, so will have to order and take back to the start.

****By confirming your attendance attendees agree to "WAIVE, DISCHARGE CLAIMS, AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY" the organisers, co-organisers, event organisers, volunteers and members of the Walking Mates Australia Meetup Group from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from Injuries and Damages, even if caused by negligence, in any way connected with Walking Mates Australia.
Attendees further agree to HOLD HARMLESS the organisers, co-organisers, event organisers, volunteers and members of Walking Mates Australia Meetup Group from any claims, damages, injuries or losses caused by their own negligence while a participant on the Event.****

RSVP - no shows & late arrivals
If you are on the "Going" list and can't make it on the day please RSVP "Not Going" at the earliest convenience as a courtesy so to allow others to join who might be on the "Waitlist".
We aim to set-off for each walk at the advertised time and as a general rule, we set off on-time for each walk.

Photo of Walking Mates Australia group
Walking Mates Australia
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Perry Lakes Rope Playground
2 Meagher Dr · Floreat, WA
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