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Bold Park Tuesday evening walk (Tuart,Zamia, Yoorn and Camel Trails)

Photo of Paul F
Hosted By
Paul F.
Bold Park Tuesday evening walk (Tuart,Zamia, Yoorn and Camel Trails)


A quick end of day Tuesday walk prior to sunset (dogs on leads welcome) 5.5 km and approx 1hour to complete, setting off at 1700hrs prompt from the Tuart car park.

A nice steady uphill start on the Tuart trail followed by the Zamia trail until we reach Yoorn walk and then left the Camel trail until we arrive back to the Tuart trail car park. (too easy!!)

We are a social and inclusive walking group so it’s not a fast, fast pace or survival of the fittest test. Fast pace to the front, strollers to the back and everybody else in-between👍

0412 987 698 (Paul)

****By confirming your attendance attendees agree to "WAIVE, DISCHARGE CLAIMS, AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY" the organisers, co-organisers, event organisers, volunteers and members of the Walking Mates Australia Meetup Group from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from Injuries and Damages, even if caused by negligence, in any way connected with Walking Mates Australia.
Attendees further agree to HOLD HARMLESS the organisers, co-organisers, event organisers, volunteers and members of Walking Mates Australia Meetup Group from any claims, damages, injuries or losses caused by their own negligence while a participant on the Event.****

RSVP - no shows & late arrivals: If you are on the "Going" list and can't make it on the day please RSVP "Not Going" at the earliest convenience as a courtesy so to allow others to join who might be on the "Waitlist".
We aim to set-off for each walk at the advertised time and as a general rule, we set off on-time for each walk.

Photo of Walking Mates Australia group
Walking Mates Australia
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Bold Park
Tuart Car Park, Perry Lakes Drive · City Beach
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30 spots left