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What we’re about

The transition from parenting to having adult children who no longer need you in the same way can be challenging. You might experience any and all of the following:

  • An adjustment to a quieter home
  • Redefining your relationship with your partner - or deciding to whether to leave or stay
  • If you're single, re-entering the dating world
  • Loneliness
  • Loss of a sense of purpose
  • Worry about your kids being on their own - or NOT being on their own!
  • Feeling anxious, depressed, and a lot of grief
  • Feeling uncertain about what you're going to do with your time
  • Managing menopause/perimenopause symptoms during all of this

Build community with other women who are experiencing the same thing and find support. You'll find a safe space to talk about your experiences and learn tips on how to navigate this important life stage. You can create a meaningful next chapter for yourself, especially when you have support. Join us!