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What we’re about


A warm welcome to those who have just landed here 🪂

Our group has been running now for a couple of years and is growing not just in numbers but in events online and in person. Sara kindly holds monthly zoom calls where helpful topics are discussed. And a few of us arrange meet ups. We are open to ideas on how the group can evolve!

My name is Emily and I'm the organiser of this group. If there's a meet up that you'd like to arrange please send me a message and we can take the next step. I am also happy to help organise- and figure out how we can make things work to meet any requirements.
I lived quite an isolated life for some time and so I understand how this may impact a person. This is partly where my passion comes from : to be helpful in reaching outwards.

I hope that you enjoy your time here and feel comforted in knowing you are not alone

Please note: there is a whats app group also. Please send a message if you'd like to be added. I may create several what's app groups as I worry about 1 group getting to busy.
We'll see
