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What we’re about

Naša meetup grupa targetira žene koje rade na tehničkim pozicijama bez obzira na prethodno iskustvo i poreklo.

Želeli bismo da organizujemo zajednicu žena oko zajedničke strasti prema tehnologiji. Cilj nam je da pružimo vrednost jedni drugima deljenjem naše tehničke ekspertize i iskustva u industriji. Naš cilj je da izgradimo mrežu podrške u kojoj se možemo „osloniti“ i učiti jedni od drugih.


Vizija zajednice žena “Women in Tech Belgrade” je unapredjivanje, povezivanje i osnaživanje žena u razvoju karijera u domenu informacionih i komunikacionih tehnologija.


Naša misija je izgradnja jake zajednice žena u domenu informacionih i komunikacionih tehnologija u okviru srpske IT zajednice sa svrhom edukacije, deljenja znanja, internog i eksternog povezivanja, kao i pronalaženja prilika za mentorstvo i edukaciju.

Kako to postižemo?
· Organizovanjem panela sa svrhom osnaživanja žena
· Povezivanjem sa iskusnijim ženskim liderima u okviru zajednice
· Promovisanjem Tech karijera
· Organizovanjem mentorskih i edukativnih sesija.

Our meetup group targets women technologists in the IT world regardless their background or experience.

We would like to organize a community of women around our mutual passion in technology. We aim to provide value to each other by sharing our technological expertise and experiences in the industry. Our goal is to build a supportive network where we can “lean in” and learn from each other.

Our vision is to advance, connect and empower women to embrace careers in technology.

Our mission is building a strong community of women technologists within Serbian IT community for the purpose of technology education, knowledge sharing and networking both internally and externally, as well as mentoring opportunities for women at all levels of their careers.

How we do it?
- Organizing women empowerment-based panels
- Connecting women with senior female technology leaders within the network
- Promoting IT careers
- Mentoring and knowledge sharing sessions


Our meetup is dedicated to providing a harassment-free meetup experience for everyone, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion (or lack thereof), color, national origin or genetic information. We do not tolerate harassment of meetup participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any meetup venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Meetup participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled at the discretion of the meetup organizers.

Please also keep in mind:

• This is not a recruiting event, i.e. if you would like to organize an event

• • You can represent your company, e.g. give out stickers or freebies, hold an office tour but this should not be the focus

• • Topic should not be only for/about your company

• This is a community building/supportive/tolerant meetup

• Focus should be on “giving back” and creating communities

• Topic should be related to women technology & women in technology

• This is a non-political event