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What we’re about

This is for Women who wish to Re-member their innate self-healing capabilities, who are interested in growing themselves and their Nature connection, and who want to be Empowered by learning to work with the abundant resources surrounding them every day...and offer those of you who are ready an opportunity to work with some of the Portals I have discovered here on this property. Regardless of where you are on your path of self-discovery, you will be met exactly where you are!

You will:

  1. Create intentions for your healing, work with various tools to connect with the incredible gifts offered by the Forest
  2. Receive a powerful group healing with a nervous system clearing and an opportunity to find your own unique rhythm
  3. Have a beautiful opportunity to share some of what you have experienced by the warm glow of a campfire!
    ALL of THIS while enjoying an afternoon in community with women who are also investing in their own healing! (Ahhhhhhhh…)

Where: Norfolk, Connecticut

When: Women in the Woods will be offered once a Month as the seasons permit. Please note that the end time of each event is meant to be flexible to accommodate each group’s needs. Please allow for one additional hour in your schedule to allow for this.

Because we all have an innate ability to heal. We have simply forgotten how. This will open up the pathways of remembrance and provide you with simple ways you can connect and heal every day in your own back yard.

Because healing together exponentiates the healing for the whole group and beyond…

Because the true power on this planet is in the unseen. Learn how to “see” what usually remains unseen!

Because Nature is beckoning us in so many ways. and it is such a gift to ourselves and our communities when we heed her call…

This program is running by donation in order to make it accessible to all. Someone asked me to please put a suggested donation…so I will suggest a $50 donation. This will make Women in the Woods sustainable and will allow me to reach out to and connect with more women who are ready to gather and connect with their innate healing gifts. So I appreciate your generosity. You will receive a link to make your donation in your confirmation email.

I am SO excited to share this adventure and all of the healing that will arise for all of us! There is limited space so please sign up soon to reserve your spot! Come to one…come to all! Walk wherever your Joy leads you!

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