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Coffee & Chat @ Habano

Photo of Debbie Beacham
Hosted By
Debbie B.
Coffee & Chat @ Habano


Come along & enjoy a relaxed couple of hours chat over coffee/drinks & if you fancy, cake or lunch. This event is perfect for new members looking to make friends whilst also a great chance for regulars to catch up.
No deposit necessary, this event is covered by your £5 annual group fee.
But please ensure you keep your RSVP up to date & remove if no longer able to attend.
Look forward to seeing you there, Debbie 🙂

Photo of Women of Warwickshire group
Women of Warwickshire
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Habano, Leamington Spa
48 Warwick St, Leamington Spa CV32 5JS · Leamington Spa
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10 spots left