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What we’re about

Our goal is to create a sisterhood of women that want to share a real, genuine connection through meaningful conversations and quality time. We will schedule activities and events. However, our main focus, at least initially, will be creating opportunities to get to know one another. These could include small gatherings at a coffee shop or at a member’s home.This group is a fit for women that are continually seeking personal development and growth. This could be via individual therapy, support groups, self-help books, holistic healing or any other means of personal reflection and evaluation. We are all imperfect. However, the women in this group are expected to be self-aware and want deeper connection than just occasional hangouts.This group will have a limited number of women, in order to maintain intimacy and make it possible for everyone to get to know one another. The hope is that we create meaningful friendships to last a lifetime. Members of all backgrounds and beliefs are welcome. There will be zero tolerance of any judgmental, critical or otherwise non-supportive behavior towards other members. Mutual respect is the foundation of our group. We seek to be a haven for members to explore their personal growth and development without fear of condemnation.