What we’re about
Create new beginnings for 2023 by establishing social connections with a Fabulous group of ladies that have been having fun for the past eight years. We may have started as strangers, but we quickly became friends.
Have you recently relocated leaving close friends and family behind? Or, perhaps friendships have drifted? Studies reveal, women of all ages, change friends every five years. You may have life-long friends in your life, but as life changes, so do friendships. Creating new social connections is both beneficial and critical to health and well being.
Founded in 2015, we are a vibrant community of fun women in our 40’s, 50's and up, who wish to form new friendships. Each event you attend, a new connection is made; before you know it, you have a new Circle of Friends.
Our goal: To foster a supportive, inspiring environment and encourage each other to develop authentic and strong friendships. We consider this our community, YOUR community; a place to take risks and try something new, something big. Something you've always wanted to do. For example: training to complete a fitness event! Are you missing a girls night out or just chatting on the phone? We will be cheerleaders, empowering each other to meet goals. While making friends along the way.
In our Circle of Friends we thrive on a positive, open minded, and nonjudgmental environment. Please, NO DRAMA, gossip, or insensitive comments/criticism. You know what our Mamas always said, "if you can't say something nice, don't say it." While we honor everyone's individual personalities, we also want it to be a safe place for newbies to join, in a positive atmosphere. Now, let's go have some FUN!