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What we’re about

Our Women's Table Talk Meeting, which has been meeting for 26 years, is more than networking! It's a support system for women in business, whether they be the business owner or a professional in business. Even, retired from business!

There is no "official" membership, however, there is a $5.00 meeting fee to cover cost of the meeting each month. You are able to order food and drink off the "Lunch Menu". We meet from 4:30-6:30pm at Abuelo's Restaurant in the front of Hulen Mall.

This group is completely "inclusive" not "exclusive" to one per industry. Hosted by Toni Allison, Tumblers, T-shirts and Treasures.

We hope you will join us....Toni Allison, Chief Bell Ringer
[email protected]

Upcoming events (3)

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