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What we’re about

About The Rambling Therapists - A Walking and Nature Group for Women Therapists and Counsellors in Scotland

Hello and welcome to The Rambling Therapists - A Walking and Nature Group for Women Therapists and Counsellors in Scotland.

We are a friendly and informal walking and nature group for WOMEN ONLY (anyone identifying as female/women) psychotherapists, counsellors, psychologists, coaches, hypnotherapists and other mental health practitioners in Scotland who are looking to make more social connections with others in our field of work, as well and enjoy the outdoors and nature.  Student and trainee therapists are also welcome. All modalities of therapy and counselling are welcome too.

I have had this idea for a few years now and decided to take the plunge in autum 2024. The Rambling Therapists was born in 2024 and the focus is on bringing us all together for walks (easy-moderate) in various locations and other nature/oudoor activities.

This is an informal friendship and connection group of like-minded other women who enjoy walks and appreciate nature and the outdoors. The aim of which is to connect with other women, share experiences, appreciate nature and hopefully make some new friends. The aim is to create something a bit more meaningful and make meaningful connections too.

We are not fussy about having a large group of people - it's more about making meaningful connections with people and appreciated nature and the outdoors.

The group would involve doing shared activities such as walks (hills, woodland, shore, parks, whatever people want); going along to some nature events/activities (which could take various forms) and engaging with other outdoor activires (e.g. picnics, sound baths, women's circles, nature-watching, boat trips and sometimes just meeting for a nice hot coffee and a chinwag in the park. There is also sope for some trips away wuch residential self care or nature retreats. Whatever others want, we can try and do.

All events will be accessible via public transport though (unless others can offer some car share - good for environment - to places a little less accessible). I can't drive so it is something to consider when organising events.

The success of the group relies on people turning up when they say they will. It's not a formal group or business - just a group of women who want to engage with nature and develop meaningful friendships and connections. There will be a teeny weeny fee of £1 per event though to help cover some of the costs of covering the Meetup yearly subscription (currently aroound £200 per year) and possibly insurance. It's not for me to cover those costs. Of course, there may be a cost for certain activities (e,g, sound baths, drips away etc.) but these will be clearly stated should there be interest in those things.

Meetups will be IN-PERSON (sorry for stating the obvious!). Following the pandemic and the intensity of online working and socialising, we feel it's important to get out and socialise in person, enjoy nature, get moving, get out the house/office and support the small businesses we will use for events and get-togethers along the way. I don't know about you, but I've certainly had my fair share of online CPD, online meetings and online networking. It's time to get out there into the real world! And, given the stressful job we all do, the group will offer us all much needed rest, relaxation, laughter and connection.

I live in Argyll and Bute and my clinic is in Glasgow. So, we will aim to create events and get-togethers across the central belt to start with. If things go well, there might be scope for walks, mini breaks, retreats or days away across other parts of Scotland. I rely on public transport (as do others) so the aim is to create events that can be accessed by public transport.

This club is FREE. However, as I am paying for Meetup out of my own pocket, and giving up my time to organise events for free, I do ask for some courtesy and respect with regards attendance and cancellation. Please so not cancel at the last-minute or just don't turn up. This affects other members of the group as well as the viability of holding certain events. Consequently, in line with other Meetup (and social groups), there will be some 'Group Rules' (see below).

Group Rules and Other 'Adminy' Info

Bookings and RSVPs
We really appreciate it when you keep your RSVP up-to-date, especially as organisers spend their free time arranging events, sourcing venues, booking events, corresponding with members, recruiting new members and making other arrangements to ensure socials can go ahead.  Please keep your RSVP up to date. It helps reduce organising time but it also ensures enough people attend each event. Remember, other members reply on other members turning up (it's a social, after all). So, it's important we have a good mix of people attending events and get-togethers. So, please ensure you RSVP if you want to attend and, if you find you can't attend, please change your RSVP accordingly.

Organisers will contact members a week before an event/get-together to ensure they can still attend. If youcan no longer attend, then the place will be offered someone on the waiting list. If you don't respond to us 5 days prior to an event, you will be moved to the "not going" list. This takes organisers a lot of time to do, so please be aware of this and respond as soon as possible when messaged to ensure you keep your place.

We are offering this group for free. However, some venues may ask for a small deposit when booking a certain number of places (e.g. for a nature activity such as a sound bath or day trip). In this situation, we will send our business banking details to you and we will pay the deposit on your behalf. Deposits are generally non-refundable, so please do keep that in mind. We've hosted many events for therapists etc. previously so we are used to taking deposits for the purposes of booking events/venues.

Waiting Lists
Some venues will have maximum numbers for attendance; however, if you join the Waiting List and can definitely attend, we will do our best to increase capacity.  So, if you can definitely attend an event/get-together which is full, please ensure you join the Waiting List or contact us so we can try an accommodate more people.

3 Strikes
Unfortunately, some members have not attended events when they have said they are attending or have regularly cancelled at the last minute (less than 5 days notice) or just not turned up. This means other members lose out on a place or we have to cancel an event that others wanted to attend. It might also mean that only the organiser or one or two members turn up.  We don’t want to let members or venues down. So, there will be a '3 Strikes' rule. So, if 1) you don't attend an event that you have RSVP'd 'yes' to; or 2) you cancel without a valid reason on the day of the event; or 3) you continuously cancel with less than 5 days notice; or 4) don't turn up at all and don't contact us thereafter, it will be counted as one strike. If you accumulate 3 strikes, unfortunately, you will be removed from the group. We don't like 'rules'; however, there's no point joining if you're not going to take part at least some of the time.

Suggestions and Recommendations
We very much welcome any suggestions, recommendations or ideas for events, venues and get-togethers. We hope to offer a wide range of walks and nature/outdoor activities over time to ensure that there is something for everyone. We aim to host events and get-togethers in various locations, so again, suggestions are welcome in areas we are not familiar with too.

Please feel free to get in touch if you need any more information, have any questions, would like to make a suggestion, have an idea or would like to help with organising events and get-togethers. Myself, and other members, looking forward to meeting with you at a social soon.

All the best,

The Rambling Therapists

E: [email protected]