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SEO- Guest Speaker


SEO- Guest Speaker

This month we are taking a break from our working series, "Let's Build Our Website" and welcoming Rita Thomas Fillinger AKA The Funnel Godmother. Its time to get your WordPress site SEO friendly with this free SEO training and workshop.

The agenda:
7:00-7:15pm: Announcements
7:15: Presentation
Happiness Bar to follow with any remaining time

What is a *WordPress Happiness Bar? This is where WordPress members help you solve your WordPress questions and issues. So, it is a WordPress crowd tech support.
If you need assistance with your site, we ask you bring your laptop and present the issue to the group as a whole. We believe with the size and combination of skills of attendees, this will allow members to get the full benefit of the group and hopefully, quicker resolution.
We Want To Help You!

For time sensitive questions and to stay in the WordPress Knoxville loop, please join our Facebook page
and also enable communication in your profile.

For WordPress to continue to provide quality education, support, sustain and grow the organization, we need your assistance!
We continue to seek core members and volunteers! As we get to know each other, we are also looking to gauge interest in folks willing to join our core volunteer team. We would love to spin back up and start putting on great Meetups again such as workshops, lightning talks, and more. We need a few awesome WordPress'ers to join the crew, so come out and let us know you're down! No experience necessary.
Show up and we will figure out together how you can fit in! We would love to have your help.
Above all else, we just wanna have a good time getting to know each other, these are our first Meetups since we shut down and we'd love to see how everyone is doing.

Photo of WordPress Knoxville group
WordPress Knoxville
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