What we’re about
Worship Music School is a contemporary Christian music school that trains worship leaders (or praise leaders) and worship musicians under Nashville Jubilee Church.
This school targets all Christian youth and young professionals who want to participate in Christian music ministry, starting with worship music ministry.
Courses at Worship Music School include:
Praise Leader & Vocal Training Program
Worship Drums Training Program
Worship Guitar Training Program
Worship Bass Training Program
Worship Piano(Keyboards) Training Program
Worship Songwriting
Audio(Sound) Engineering for Christian music
Christian Music Production
Although it may vary depending on the course above, the duration of all courses is intensive, ranging from 10 to 16 weeks.
The goal of this group is to provide registration information and procedures for each program to those who are interested and wish to participate in this training program and to help participants register without missing the registration period.
Through this group, we hope to meet Christian musicians who have little or no experience in worship teams, Christians who want to participate in worship team activities, and Christians who want to become Christian music ministers.