Hello Everyone! This is a companion event to our in person meetups - join us for an online discussion of WordPress(.org)-related topics.
This recurring series is open to all - sometimes we'll be focused on more advanced topics, other times we'll focus on intro topics. This is often driven by the members themselves.
At this event, we are going to attempt to setup a static WordPress site during the Meetup event. We'll pick between a few options, setup two hosting accounts (one for the WordPress site and one for the static site) and then make some content changes and push those from the WordPress site to the static site server.
Feel free to bring your questions about anything else to share with the group or to ask for help.
NOTE: Our Meetup group usually discusses WordPress(.org)-related topics. (NOT WordPress.com generally)
If you'd like to speak or present at one of our meetings, please contact an Organizer with a topic and potential time when you could do it. (A description for sharing with our members would also help). We always welcome sharing experiences so others can learn. Thanks!