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What we’re about

Are you ruled by writer's block? Do you have a great idea for a novel or non-fiction book but don't know where to start? Do you have a work-in-progress that's giving you fits? Or maybe the words are flowing freely, but you don't have anyone to talk to about your writing?

If you're looking for a writing community that's focused on supporting and inspiring fellow writers, that's what Write It Already is all about. Our events are free and open to all writers, regardless of genre or format, or where you may be in your writing journey.

What to expect:

We host regular write-ins (and occasionally discussions or workshops) around the St. Louis region, all organized by fellow writers. These are opportunities to come together for quiet writing. Most write-ins will have brief introductions and conversations at the beginning, with the majority of the time spent writing.

Our write-ins and other events will take place in coffee shops, cafes, libraries, and perhaps the occasional brewery around the Metro area. In 2023 the goal is to visit as many different cafes as possible, so join us to find out where we'll be meeting next!

All Write It Already STL events are considered to be safe spaces. We celebrate the diversity of our community of writers (as well as what they choose to write), and will strive to maintain an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.