Lean coffee morning
Our monthly Lean Coffee (leancoffee.org) is a chance to discuss all matters eXtreme Programming-related with your friends and peers. Everyone is welcome, whether you know a lot or a little about XP / TDD etc, whether you've been to XP Manchester before or you're new to the group. You get a chance to table discussion topics that interest you the most, and you'll be surprised how often you're able to give help and guidance on other people's topics.
These sessions will be online only, hosted on Zoom (joining details below). Doors open 0730 (UK time) and the session proper runs 0745-0845.
We will use LeanCoffeeTable instead of post-its and sharpies, so please join our board as a guest at the start of the meeting.
Zoom meeting link: Join Zoom Meeting
LeanCoffeeTable board link: https://www.leancoffeetable.com/TaskBoard/View/15b0a31d-e54f-45c0-a4bf-91ae6e7e2214?guest=true
Every 2nd Thursday of the month
Lean coffee morning