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🕯️ Raja Yoga Wednesdays 📿

Photo of Anamika
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🕯️ Raja Yoga Wednesdays  📿


Join us for a relaxing and rejuvenating yoga class on Wednesday mornings.

Class begins with a yoga teaching, followed by yogasana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), and/or mental exercises (including meditation, chanting, brain twisters, etc). Poses are gentle yet effective and focus on building balance, flexibility, and strength. If you can sit down and get up from your mat without assistance, then you can do this class. You may also sit in a chair and adapt your own poses if you are not able to sit on the floor. Beginners, persons with physical limitations and seniors are welcome to join us.

*Raja yoga (or the "royal-" or "king's path to union"), is considered the highest path of yoga and a direct path to Self-realization. It is a comprehensive style that includes postures, breathing exercises, mental training, study of yogic philosophy, meditation, and self-inquiry, with Yoga Sutras of Patanjali as its foundational text.

Cost: $15 for walk-ins, or $100 for a 10-class punch card (valid for 6 months). Cash, Venmo, Zelle, and CashApp are accepted. 🙏

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Yoga Michigan
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Every week on Wednesday

Hope Lutheran Church
39200 W 12 Mile Rd · Farmington Hills, MI
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