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Yoga for Wellness - Integrative Health for Successful Aging

Photo of Janet Marshall
Hosted By
Janet M.
Yoga for Wellness - Integrative Health for Successful Aging


Classes are every Monday and Wednesday Mornings. Regular mat class from 10am-11:15am, and Chair Yoga from 12pm-1pm.
Classes are gentle and breath centric. Poses are adapted to meet your needs. Regardless of your age, health, condition, if you can breath you can do yoga!! Increase your strength, flexibility, balance, energy, mental focus, and overall feelings of well-being and joy! Classes are free or donation based. Join the community, meet new connections while growing younger. Please RSVP or email me at janet@atheartofyoga,com for more details.

### Yoga is a journey. We can take that journey together, and it can be your guide for life. Yoga is NOT an aesthetic practice of aspiration. It is a practice to reclaim your joy and develop your physical and mental resilience.

### Let 2023 be the year to let go of old patterns that hold you back from wellness, and make space for what is most precious; wellness in body, mind, heart, soul, and the abundance of joy and friendships.

### The ancient practices of yoga and meditation cultivates wisdom and wellness and a caravan in which we move through all of life's joys and struggles. Yoga is the most ancient, deepest, and potent of medicines.

### And the good news is that ANYONE can practice yoga. If you are breathing. ..You can do yoga! Regular practice promises the reduction of suffering (Dukha) and brings health to body, peace to your heart, and joy in heart.

### As the great Sri K Patabhi Jois says "Practice and all is coming" The ancient practices of yoga and meditation cultivates wisdom and wellness and a caravan in which we move through all of life's joys and struggles.

### It is a true joy to share the teachings of yoga. Over the years I have witnesses so much healing, joy, in my students, as well as the friendships and connections made.

### Wishing you an abundance of health, courage, inspiration and blessings in the year ahead!

### NamastešŸ™,

### Janet Marshall

### E-RYT- 500, IAYT

### International Association of Yoga Therapists






Photo of Yoga Therapy for Resilience group
Yoga Therapy for Resilience
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Every week on Monday, Wednesday

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