Tuesday Night Meditation Sangha
This class is typically 20-45 minutes long. We discuss and practice various forms of meditation. This class follows 7pm yoga so we need to be patient as classes switch. Always enter thru the rear entrance and park in back. No experience required. This class is always Free. During Guest Meditation Events we may ask for donations. We ran this same class on Thursdays at the studio for over 9 years. We decided to change so i can run my yoga class and then teach the meditation class on the same night. So feel free to also come out for the 7pm preceding Vibe 75 yoga class. Your first class is free but then normal charges apply either $20 per drop in or we have a lot of class package or monthly plan options. Feel free to reach out with your questions. If you have needs because of a disability please let me know so i can make arrangements. We have cushions, bolsters and blocks to use but if you have a favorite mediation cushion feel free to bring it.
Every week on Tuesday
Tuesday Night Meditation Sangha