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Bad Ass Brunch at Granite City!

Photo of Dee Davis
Hosted By
Dee D.


This will be our second Holiday Bad Ass Brunch at Granite City! We had a great time last year and the buffet was endless and amazing!

So be hungry for great food and fascinating conversations with all kinds of Bad Ass Women!

Attire can be holiday festive - even if that means you wear your Christmas Pajamas!!

It is near Cool Springs Mall in case you need to do a little holiday shopping after!

PLEASE RSVP responsibly! We need to know how many actually are coming. If your RSVP changes, that is fine. Just let us know ASAP!

Stay Tuned for more details!!

Photo of You are a Badass Lady! group
You are a Badass Lady!
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Granite City
1864 W. McEwen Drive · Franklin, TN
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