What we’re about
Welcome! We are excited you've found this group and hope to continue growing this adoptee community!
This is a space run by adoptees for adoptees, meaning people that identify as an adoptee/have been adopted. If you also identify with other parts of the adoption triad (adoptee, guardian, first/birth family), you are still welcome to join and center your adoptee experiences in this space.
We will hold events a minimum of 4 times a year/once every 3 months so if you don't see anything posted check back later while we work through organizing.
Sarah: transracial Chinese adoptee adopted at birth
Nicole: adoptee
Monica: adoptee
Safe Space Norms
- Don’t be a bigot (racist, sexist, transphobic, etc.). Those who do not comply will be asked to leave events/the group.
- Enter the space with an open mind as this is a group of highly varied experiences
- This is not a space with/for professional health care
- If you see or experience any discriminatory behavior, please alert a group organizer
Reach out if you have any questions!