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What we’re about

About Us
Welcome to Youth Voices Collective, a space where young people from all walks of life can come together to have real, meaningful conversations. Our organisation Youth Voices Action (YVA) is focused on bringing together individuals who may not always stand out or speak up—those who might not be at the top of their class or in the spotlight, but who have valuable perspectives to share. We believe that true innovation and collaboration happen when we bring together voices that think differently.

Our goal is to reach young people who are trying to find their place in the world, those who may have been skirting through life, sometimes feeling like they fall through the cracks. This group is a space for you to contribute, be heard, and discover how your unique perspective can drive real, lasting change in your community.

Who Should Join:
We’re looking for young people (aged 13-24) who:

Are not always the loudest or most noticed, but have important insights to share
May be trying to figure out where they fit in and want to explore how they can make an impact
Are interested in collaborating with others who have different beliefs, values, and experiences
Want to participate in honest, judgment-free conversations about the issues that matter to them
Are curious about how they can contribute to community projects and create positive change

If this sounds like you or someone you know, pass our details along to them to join our meet-up.

What We Do
At Youth Voices Action (YVA), we focus on real conversations and real action. We hold meetups where young people can share their thoughts, learn from each other, and work together on solutions for the issues they care about.
Our activities include:

  • Focus groups that provide youth perspectives to organisations and agencies
  • Community projects that invite diverse voices to collaborate on solving local challenges
  • Workshops and discussions designed to help you find your voice and use it to make a difference

Our Approach
We believe the best ideas come from those who think differently. That’s why we’re not looking for a group of people who all think the same, share the same beliefs, or have the same values. Instead, we want to hear from young people who are looking for a place to speak up, collaborate, and work with others who see the world in different ways. Our goal is to pull together these diverse voices to create real conversations that impact the communities we live in.

Why Join Us?
If you’ve ever felt like you’re just floating by or falling through the cracks, this is the place for you. We want to hear your ideas, no matter how big or small, and work together to create a better future. We’re here to empower you to contribute in your own way and to be part of something bigger. Join us, and let’s create meaningful change together; one conversation at a time.

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