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養生伸展瑜珈班 (查詢:2527 4000)

Photo of Ida Poon
Hosted By
Ida P.


養生伸展瑜珈班 (查詢:2527 4000)

最新研究發現瑜珈可以幫忙陣發性心房纖維顫動的病人(Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation, AF) 改善不規律的心跳、降低心臟頻率(心率)及血壓。這個研究是在剛刊出European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing發佈 (New Study Reveals How Yoga Can Help People with Irregular Heartbeats),研究包括80個陣發性心房纖維顫動的病人,他們的病癥是胸口痛、呼吸困難及頭暈,他們經常會感到焦慮、擔心及對病癥隨時出現感到壓力,因此除了工作外,他們會盡力減少社交及旅遊,因憂慮病癥會隨時出現。他們一組有參與瑜珈運動,另一組沒有參瑜珈運動,結果經過12星期到醫院參與瑜珈伸展運動、學習深呼吸法及冥想(每星期一次,每次1小時)後,有參與瑜珈運動的組別,他們的病癥比較沒有參與瑜珈運動的組別,有更好的生活質素,心率及血壓均降低。原因是深呼吸可以平衡副交感神經系統及交感神經系統,引致更少的心率變化,而呼吸法及瑜珈輕動作可以對血壓產生有益效果。(資料來源:DNA India (, Mar 18, 2016)

逢星期三晚上 7:00-8:30p.m.

亦設有私人教授或二人同行瑜珈班, 期及時間可以任擇, 歡迎預約

瑜珈班 4堂 8堂 12堂

一小時 $600 $1120 $1560

一小時半 $720 $1360 $1920

Every Wednesday evening 7:00-8:30p.m.,

*Private Class or 2 person classes are provided,

date & time can be flexible, booking is welcome!*

Yoga Class 4 Lessons 8 Lessons 12 Lessons

1 hr $600 $1120 $1560

1.5 hr $720 $1360 $1920

Recent study revealed that patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) practiced yoga can help them to improve quality of life, lower their heart rate and blood pressure. This study has published in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. Sophiahemmet University’s Maria Wahlstrm said that many patients with AF can’t live their lives as they want to since they feel chest pain, dyspnoea and dizziness and these symptoms are unpleasant and make they feel anxious, worried and stressed that an AF episode will occur. Hence they refuse dinners with friends, concerts and travelling. This study included 80 patients with AF, who were randomised to yoga and a control group that did not do yoga. Yoga was performed for one hour, once a week, for 12 weeks in the hospital with an experienced instructor. The yoga programme included light movements, deep breathing and meditation. The result is they found that patients who did yoga had a better quality of life, lower heart rate and lower blood pressure than patients who did not do yoga. The reason might be deep breathing balances the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, leading to less variation in heart rate and the breathing and movement may have beneficial effects on blood pressure. (Source: DNA India (, Mar 18, 2016)

May you and your family have a good health!

Yours sincerely,

Ida Poon

Photo of 伸展瑜珈班_Stretching Yoga Group group
伸展瑜珈班_Stretching Yoga Group
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