What we’re about
מדיטציה זו מודעות ללא מחשבות, זה אותו הרגע שהכל שקט ומאוזן בתוכנו, אותו הרגע שאנחנו באמת נמצאים בהווה.
יוגה זה החיבור עם הטבע, עם היקום, עם האנרגיה סביבנו ועם הרוח (הלב) והאנרגיה שתוכנו.
הגשמה עצמית היא חוויה פנימית, חיה ואמיתית שמביאה אותנו למדיטציה וליוגה, ועוזרת לנו לחיות חיים מאוזנים ושמחים יותר.
בואו לחוות את ההגשמה העצמית שלכם, ללמוד על עצמכם ועל חיים מאוזנים יותר !
המפגשים מתקיימים בגדרה, מרכז "אופק" (סטודיו 3), בימי שלישי, בשעה 19:30.
התוכנית מועברת על ידי מתנדבים והכניסה חופשית לכולם :)
לפרטים נוספים:
1. כתבו לנו כאן.
2. פייס: "סהג'ה יוגה ישראל" - https://www.facebook.com/sahajaisrael/
Meditation is thoughtless awareness, it is the moment when everything is quiet and balanced within us, the moment we are truly in the present.
Yoga is the connection with nature, with the universe, with the energy around us and with the spirit (heart) and the energy within it.
Self-realization is an inner, living and real experience that brings us to meditation and yoga, and helps us live a more balanced and happier life.
Come experience your self-realization, learn about yourself and how to live a more balanced and joyful life!
Meetings are held in Gedera, "Ofek" Center (Studio 3), on Tuesdays, at 19:30.
The program is delivered by volunteers and free admission to everyone :)
For further details:
1. You may write us here.
2. Facebook - "Sahaja Yoga Israel", https://www.facebook.com/sahajaisrael/
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Free Online Guided Meditation- Learn, practice, relax and growLink visible for attendees
Meditate, meet and get motivated
Looking for peace, balance, joy, overcome stress, transform and meet other seekers? Welcome to free guided 'Sahaja Yoga' online meditation classes that help you achieve meditation benefits in quick and easy steps and discover its healing power. No prior experience needed. These classes are designed to provide experience of an in-person interactive session.
How to join?
Zoom Meeting ID: 5587014223
Password: abcdWhat happens during session?
In the guided meditation session we awaken the energy within us that makes us thoughtless, relaxed and improves our self-awareness. Next we try another exercise of balancing to bring our attention to present moment that slows down thoughts and makes us more relaxed.What meditation technique is used?
The gentle and easy technique shared is known as 'Sahaja Yoga' meditation and is practiced in more than 100 countries and is always free. It was founded in 1970 by- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. When practiced for 10 minutes a day it can lead to dramatic positive change in your personal life - even after one week of practice!More at:
- https://www.freemeditation.com/
- Free Online Guided Meditation- Learn, practice, relax and growLink visible for attendees
Meditate, meet and get motivated
Looking for peace, balance, joy, overcome stress, transform and meet other seekers? Welcome to free guided 'Sahaja Yoga' online meditation classes that help you achieve meditation benefits in quick and easy steps and discover its healing power. No prior experience needed. These classes are designed to provide experience of an in-person interactive session.
How to join?
Zoom Meeting ID: 5587014223
Password: abcdWhat happens during session?
In the guided meditation session we awaken the energy within us that makes us thoughtless, relaxed and improves our self-awareness. Next we try another exercise of balancing to bring our attention to present moment that slows down thoughts and makes us more relaxed.What meditation technique is used?
The gentle and easy technique shared is known as 'Sahaja Yoga' meditation and is practiced in more than 100 countries and is always free. It was founded in 1970 by- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. When practiced for 10 minutes a day it can lead to dramatic positive change in your personal life - even after one week of practice!More at:
- https://www.freemeditation.com/