What we’re about
We have been meeting as a group to learn about the the Microsoft Data Platform since 2004, and used EventBrite from 2011 to 2023. Events from the last ten years are listed at adaug.eventbrite.com
We meet on the third Wednesday lunchtime (Adelaide time zone). Our meetings are typically hybrid, with an in-person option at Microsoft Adelaide. If you come in person pizza is provided but you are welcome to bring your own lunch if pizza isn't your thing.
Our group adheres to the Azure Tech Groups Code of Conduct. By attending the group you are assumed to be in agreement of this code. https://developer.microsoft.com/en-au/azure-tech-groups/code-of-conduct
We do not charge. Never have. Never plan to.
We have been associated with PASS previously, and currently operate under the banner of Microsoft’s “Azure Data Tech Groups” community.