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Walk in London's Green Park for people with anxiety & panic

Hosted By
Peter R.


Join us for a relaxed walk in Green Park on Sunday, 29th September at 1:00 PM, in real life or virtually via Instagram Live on the @anxiety_fitness page, hosted by Peter, the creator of anxiety_fitness. This walk is for anyone dealing with anxiety or panic—an opportunity to meet others who understand, share your experiences if you’d like, and face anxiety together in a supportive, no-pressure environment.

The pace will be easy, and you’re welcome to simply be present if you’re not up for talking. Whether you’re working through anxiety or just want to connect with like-minded people, this is a space for you.

Let’s walk through this together.

Parts of the event may be filmed, please let me know if you don't want to appear on camera or social media.

Photo of Anxiety Fitness London group
Anxiety Fitness London
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Green Park
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