Welcome to our event at the Bangkok Mental Health Social Hub! We are excited to kick off our journey together with a topic that is not only fascinating but also incredibly practical: "The Influence of Body Language: Communicating Beyond Words"
In this meet-up session, we will explore the related topic and learn some basic psychological principles that can help us enhance our everyday experiences. Psychology isn’t just for therapists and researchers; it’s a powerful tool that everyone can use to make their lives better. From improving our relationships and managing stress to boosting our motivation and achieving our goals, psychology offers insights and techniques that are relevant to all of us.
Join us for an engaging session where we will delve into these concepts through interactive discussions, practical exercises, group activities, and shared experiences with new friends! Whether you’re looking to improve your mental health, build better relationships and connections, or simply understand yourself better, this event is for you. Let's embark on this journey to better mental wellness and a more fulfilling life together!
We look forward to seeing you there and starting this exciting journey with you!
We will have brunch together, socialise, and then start the discussion afterwards. To organise and facilitate this event, there's a lot of behind-the-scenes preparation, so we kindly ask for a small fee to attend (THB 200 per participant)—pay for our professional speaker. Let's come, learn, practice, and meet new friends!