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Sacred Women's Circle


The next full moon ceremony is on September 21 at the Brisbane Theosophical Society, 5:00pn to 7.30pm.
It will be a few days after the full moon, which is actually on Wednesday, the 18th. So, we'll be in Waning Gibbous: which is when we release and let go of what does not serve. We should absorb all revelations brought forward during the Full Moon and practice gratitude.

  • Our focus will continue to be on gratitude with the intention of releasing that which gets in the way of seeing the positive in our everyday.

We'll be doing a release of our illusions into the fire, to let them go into the ether. Letting go of our illusions, allows for space to be our true, authentic self. Being in touch with our true self, builds the power that we all need to be confident, to feel joy, peace and appreciate the beauty around us.

  • The full moon is in Pisces and it is a special one. Some aspects that you may start to notice are to: "see yourself, your abilities, your talent, proclivities, temperament, experience, education and contribution to others in a new broader light." It is a time to forgive yourself.
Photo of Brisbane Theosophical Society Meetup group
Brisbane Theosophical Society Meetup
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355 Wickham Terrace
355 Wickham Terrace · Spring Hill, QL
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