- DECEMBER FULL MOON RITUALCircle of Sublime Elms, Orlando, FL
Saturday, December 14, 2022 - Gather 7:00, Ritual 7:30 - By TorinCome celebrate the blessings of the last Full Moon of 2024 while participating in a Ritual of Uncrossing to help release the residue of this challenging year, while honoring the growth it brought. This will be our Witches' version of New Year's Eve, and though we won't be setting off fireworks, there will be sparklers aplenty as part of the celebration!
The Full Moon is the perfect time to accept the fruition of all that we have manifested, and to begin the process of release and letting go. We must clear space in order for new good things to enter our lives, so get ready to grab your figurative (or literal) broomstick and sweep out all that which no longer serves your highest good.
We'll share a guided meditation and ask our Still Small Voice for advice on what intentions we should set for the coming year. It can be helpful if you spend a few days prior to the ritual contemplating what has not been working for you and what you would like to manifests during this turn of the Wheel.
You are encouraged to wear white and silver in honor of the Full Moon, but any garments that make you feel especially connected to your spiritual self, or particularly happy and festive in general, are definitely appropriate!OUR FEAST IS POTLUCK!!!
So, if you partake in the feast….. Please bring something to share or a $$$ donation. Your food item should be able to feed at least (8) eight people.
Bring Hand instruments, drums, flutes, tambourines, maracas, guitars, etc. Please remember to always enter 'Our' Circle with perfect love and an open heart. There's never a fee to attend!
Please remember to enter our Circle with an open heart and an open mind.DECEMBER was the tenth month in the Old Roman calendar. In the old Tibetan calendar December first was the beginning of the new year.
THE COLD MOON Also known as: Oak Moon, Wolf Moon, Moon of Long Nights, Long Night’s Moon, Aerra Geola (Month Before Yule), Wintermonat (Winter Month), Heilagmanoth (Holy Month), Big Winter Moon, Moon of Popping Trees
NATURE SPIRITS: Snow faeries, storm faeries, winter tree faeries
HERBS: holly, English Ivy, fir, mistletoe
COLORS: Blood red, white and black
FLOWERS: holly, poinsettia, Christmas cactus
SCENTS: Violet, patchouli, rose geranium, frankincense, myrrh, lilac
STONES: serpentine, jacinth, peridot
TREES: Fir, pine and holly
ANIMALS: mouse, deer, horse and bear
BIRDS: rook, snowy owl, and robin
DEITIES: Hathor, Hecate, Neith, Athene, Minerva, Ixchel, Osiris
Norns, Fates
POWER/ADVICE: To endure, to be reborn, Earth tides turning,
Darkness, a time to reach out to friends and family and
those in need.PARKING is directly across the street from the house. There is a small u-shaped street [Fern Circle}, parking is alongside both sides of the street staying at least 4 feet from driveways.
Please be conscious that others will need to use the street as well. So, park accordingly! ALSO, BE AWARE that there needs to be room left for EMERGENCY VEHICLES to pass through. Also, you may park on Davis Drive or the west side of Hampton {between Livingston & Robinson}.CHECK OUT MONTHLY CALENDAR
FIND US AT: https://www.facebook.com/groups/circleofthesublimeelms/