Hello Climbers!
Just meet at the yellow sign and introduce yourself :) From there we pair up to climb. If we have an odd number of people, we can make a rotating group of 3. There is also a self-belay area if you want to get in more climbing if in a group of 3 or arriving earlier.
If the event you are planning to go to only has one or 2 people on the ‘attending’ list, we encourage organising a climbing partner in advance so you can make sure you have at least one other person there to climb with! Feel free to reach out on the event wall or message a host :)
Meet up will start at 6pm but if you want to start earlier you certainly can, but again you will need to organise a climbing partner in advance.
New climbers are welcome, however your mandatory induction takes about 15/20mins. Harnesses, shoes and chalk bag can be hired also.
Book in here for your induction:
If you are unwell, please don't attend!