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What we’re about

Are you a naturally empathetic person in your 20s living in the DC area? Do you find yourself craving authentic connections and meaningful conversations? Welcome to DC Empaths, a community where warmth, understanding, and genuine friendships flourish.

In a city that often feels fast-paced and impersonal, DC Empaths offers a refreshing change of pace. We're a group of like-minded individuals who value emotional intelligence, compassion, and real human connection. Here, you'll find a safe space to be yourself, share your experiences, and form lasting bonds with others who truly "get it."

What We Do

Our gatherings are relaxed, fun, and driven by the interests of our members. Sometimes there will be structured discussions or exercises to get us to expand our compassion and empathy and learn more about each other, but mostly this group is just a bunch of open-hearted people coming together to enjoy each other's company and create meaningful connections. Whether you're an extrovert energized by social interactions or an introvert who appreciates depth over small talk, you'll find your place here.

Our activities are as diverse as our members' interests, but they all share one common thread: fostering genuine connections. You might find us:

  • Sharing laughs over coffee or dinner at a cozy local spot
  • Exploring DC's beautiful parks through leisurely walks and picnics
  • Engaging in deep, heartfelt conversations about life, love, and everything in between
  • Supporting each other through life's ups and downs
  • Simply hanging out and enjoying each other's company

A Note on Privacy and Respect: While we encourage openness, we also deeply respect personal boundaries. What's shared should not be shared elsewhere without permission, and there's never any pressure to disclose more than you're comfortable with. We're all about creating a safe, supportive space for everyone.

Interested in joining or have questions? Reach out to our founder, Gage.

Upcoming events (4+)

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