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[D&D5e Campaign] Eberron: Remnants of the War

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Hosted By
Dragons C. and Seán
[D&D5e Campaign] Eberron: Remnants of the War


The world of Eberron has a rich history built on heroic deeds, evolving magic, and the wounds of a long, devastating war. Action, adventure, good, evil, and a thousand shades of gray paint the landscape in broad strokes. Ancient mysteries await discovery so they can influence the world and its people. The Last War was a bitter struggle that forever changed the shape of Khorvaire. It was a century marked by shifting alliances, with years of stalemate interspersed with periods of intense battles. This grueling conflict left deep scars on the land and the people, but there was worse to come. On 20 Olarune 994 YK, the nation of Cyre was consumed in a magical cataclysm now known as the Mourning. The cause of the Mourning remains unknown; many fear it was caused by unbridled use of war magic. Shock and fear brought the nations to the negotiating table, and the Last War came to an end in 996 YK with the Treaty of Thronehold. The mystery of the Mourning is the only thing holding the warmongers at bay. If someone uncovers the secret of the Mourning—if it can be proven that the Mourning can’t happen again, or if its power could be harnessed as a weapon—war could erupt again. Until then, the nations remain in a cold war, as each prepares for and seeks advantages in a conflict that could lie ahead. There are those who seek to unmask this mystery, whether it is for personal gain, or a desire to see Khorvaire burn is anyone’s guess.

New Player Form

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Dragons Concord
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Every 2 weeks on Sunday until September 5, 2025

The Dragons Concord
11215L Lee Hwy · Fairfax, VA
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4 spots left