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[D&D5e Campaign] Fangs in the Dark

Photo of Dragons Concord
Hosted By
Dragons C. and Mike B.
[D&D5e Campaign] Fangs in the Dark


What starts as a simple escape from an unjust execution spirals into a larger conspiracy involving the Yuan Ti and their greater designs to conquer the world. Our heroes warn of hidden shipments of rage inducing mushrooms that are fueling chaos across the realm. Chaos that the fanged ones will use to achieve their hidden goals and allow their god to swallow the sun and plunge the world into Darkness!

New Player Form

Photo of Dragons Concord group
Dragons Concord
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Every 2 weeks on Sunday until September 6, 2025

The Dragons Concord
11215L Lee Hwy · Fairfax, VA
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
6 spots left