What we’re about
Cyndy Paige, owner of Rhythm of the Earth, is a long-time student of Sun Bear's Chippewa Medicine Wheel, and she uses the teachings of the wheel to inspire the circles to create a connection between heart, soul and the natural world. The Earth Mother and the plants and animals we share her with have much to teach us!
"The entire experience of the Sacred Circle is of course...healing. The drum rhythms I teach are ancient, mostly slow, meditative and deeply transformative (the heartbeat for instance). They feel of course, quite shamanic because we connect with the energies of the earth...the animals...the elements...the trees...the stones...the heart of the Earth Mother. We also connect with whatever each circle member’s experience of the divine is...whatever name, feeling, system or belief. Even though I teach from a Native American foundation, it matters not what or who (divine energy) you bring to the circle...all are honored. At the core...the experience of the Rhythms, Dances, Sounds, and Energy of the circle, are deeply Spiritual, and of course a feeling of Unity, Peace and Balance is possible. The space in the center of a lovingly created sound cannot help but heal and expand our hearts. Absolutely no experience is needed, and if you don’t have a frame drum, one will be provided."
Cyndy Snake Dancer Paige received the name “Snake Dancer” from Spirit in a profound Vision Quest experience. She is a Council member of the Buffalo Trace Society. She is a traditionally trained Shamanic Sound Healer and Sacred Drum and Rattle Maker who has extensively studied Earth honoring traditions, in initiatory type apprenticeships, with indigenous elders.
Upcoming events (4)
See all- Eagle Medicine Weekend RetreatVass, North Carolina, Vass, NC$300.00
What's emerging in your life? Are you ready to make space for it?
New Beginnings, Seeing our Path with Clear Eyes, Making Wise Choices, Growing our Inner Light - these are among the practices of Golden Eagle and the season of Spring. In this practice, we show up as ourselves with whatever is happening in our lives, and together we explore the natural world - the plants, animals, and minerals around us - for inspiration, insight, & connection.
Join us as we make way with journey, dance, drum, song, and ceremony.
If you're interested in a longer-term level of practice with a committed group, this retreat is an entryway into the 1-year study of the Medicine Wheel of Life.
We meet in Vass, North Carolina on
Saturday, March 22 at 10am - 6pm EDT &
Sunday, March 23 at 10am - 5pm EDT
Please bring your lunch each day.The energy exchange is $300.00, with a small fee added:
https://link.clover.com/urlshortener/pdYsyqTo register, email [email protected], or call/text 610-563-3918.
Overnight accommodations are not included.
Looking forward to gathering together to welcome the Spring into our Lives!
- Shamanic Journey for Insight and Personal HealingVass, North Carolina, Vass, NC$133.00
This ancient technique accesses our innate & intuitive resources for insight and personal growth. Together we'll practice the steps for setting our intention and entering the shamanic state of consciousness (theta brain waves). By following the heartbeat of the drum - as people have for millennia - we journey to connect with our intuition & our soul's gifts.
Energy Exchange: $133, may be paid at this link:
ALSO send an email to [email protected], or call or text 610-563-3918. Cyndy will send you a reply with what to bring and directions for where we'll meet.Location: This class meets in person in Vass, North Carolina. 10:00 am - 6 pm EDT. Please bring your lunch. Some snacks will be provided.
* This practice & the experiences will provide you with a foundation for personal journey work. *
If you find that you're interested in deepening your shamanic journey experience, consider joining a 3-month exploration of a quadrant (or season) of the Medicine Wheel - expanding the practice into connecting with specific aspects of our gifts. For more information, email Cyndy at [email protected]