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What we’re about

The Forest Way: Re-visioning Western Outlooks on Nature, Society, and Self

Europeans have lost touch with their roots—with their sense of community and heritage, with their natural environments and mystery traditions.

In their place, we’ve seen the rise of cosmopolitan mindsets, of technocratic regimes, of dictated ‘sameness’ and universalist discourse.

This group is meant for those who wish to reconnect with their roots, rediscovering allegiances to ‘people’ and ‘place,’ and cultivating a love for the European longue durée.

Whether through cultural outings, nature-based activities, or text-centred discussions, we seek to step off the train of homogenising futures to walk a forest path—the ‘way of the woods’ that leads back to our roots and on to an alternate future, there to encounter a new sense of vitality and purpose.

Please join us!


Terms of Service

By accessing and using Meetup, entering your RSVP, and continuing to attend our events, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.


In no instance will organisers be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, consequential, or other damages arising from his or her attendance at one of our events. Attendance is at your own risk. The organiser, co-organiser, host, and Meetup are not responsible for loss, damage, theft, injury to oneself or equipment, allergic reactions, traffic or parking violations, or accidents with your vehicle.

RSVP Etiquette

Some circumstances and venue settings necessitate that we limit the number of attendees. In that case, we’ll create a waiting list for anyone who would like to participate should a space become free.

If you’re unable to attend an event that you’ve registered for, please be courteous in updating your RSVP the night before so as to enable organisers to prepare accordingly, potentially allowing others the opportunity to sign up in your place.

If you mark yourself as attending but fail to turn up, we will record this as a ‘no-show.’ Organisers reserve the right to discontinue membership of those who have accrued two or more ‘no-shows’ for this meetup’s events, or who have remained inactive in the group for more than a year.

Thank you!

Upcoming events (1)

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