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Developing Machine Learning systems with Robots

Photo of Andy Gelme
Hosted By
Andy G.
Developing Machine Learning systems with Robots


Pre-meeting catch-up: 6:30 pm at Fonda Mexican restaurant, 248 Swan Street, Richmond (our table will have orange traffic cones) ... great opportunity for casual discussion and especially for newcomers to get acquainted with the group

Rough agenda: 7:30 pm at 415 Church Street, Richmond
- Projects show and tell: ad-hoc for anyone to contribute
- ML software build session
- Meetup group planning, improvements and on-line activities
- 9:15 pm Tidy up room
- 9:30 pm Hard stop !

Please bring a laptop, as these are hands-on sessions.
Just think of a laptop as a robot without wheels or legs !
If you are a newcomer to Machine Learning or robotics, you are still very welcome.
If you do have a robot, please bring it along !

Photo of AI + ML + Robots group
AI + ML + Robots
See more events

Every 2nd Monday of the month until December 9, 2024

Meeting Room, Richmond Library
415 Church Street · Richmond
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
25 spots left