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What we’re about

South east Queensland Kayakers event entry conditions
We are all about social kayaking in the South East of Qld & beyond.
**All organizers do so on a voluntary basis and should be respected for the effort they put in,please remember this when using social media,

The Kayaks owned by our members, are a flotilla of sea kayaks and other types of craft

All new members will be graded on joining ,the more details provided the more accurate the grading will be.

On all open water trips, you will be asked to prove your skill level,and experience if new to the group by the meetup organizer, please don't be offended by this ,may also occur if your not known to the organizer.
Its up to the event organizer to have the final say on whether they feel you have appropriate skills and are capable of completing their paddle event and your craft is suitable for any potential conditions.
For OPEN WATER trips (or anywhere not within swimming distance of land), you would need have two water tight bulkheads, deck line all around and be at least capable of an assisted deep water re-entry. Exemptions may on occasion be made for SOT's and the organiser will mention this.

Our assessment of your skills may not be accurate because of limited information so talk to us about it
Our trips can be as short as a few hours or as long as a few days....and everything in between.
The majority of events are in Moreton Bay, Gold Coast, Nth NSW and it’s creeks & rivers or our local lakes & dams and Moreton bay southern islands

To join you need a clear photo of yourself on the profile.
Some kayaks like inflatable ones may limit you to grade 1 events only
Feel free to contact us if you have questions or want more info .


This is not a formal organisation or association and we are not a training club ,South East Qld Kayakers takes no responsibility for any mishaps or injury which may occur before, during or after a paddling event.
Anyone who decides to participate in a paddle event does so on the understanding they are responsible for their own welfare and safety at all times.
A safety whistle and an appropriate PFD is to be worn at all times and additional safety gear carried as required by trip organiser.
By RSVPing you agree to these and any other conditions applied to that event by the event organizer
Attendance is only via a RSVP
* Please make sure you check your messages and email before leaving home for any late changes
* If for some reason you can no longer make an event, please notify the event co-ordinator so they know you are not coming and don't waste time waiting for you.   A number of non contact no shows may result in you being removed from the group.

To assist in covering the annual fee to run this meetup group, the suggestion is each event participant consider making an optional $2 coin donation which can be handed to the event host on the day.
Conditions of Membership, requirements are as follows,
1/ Respect the decisions of the event organisers.
2/ Respect the privacy of all members.
3/ Only RSVP for events you are capable and able to do, don't put yourself at risk or risk others who would have to aid your rescue.
4/ If you have not attended any events for a period of time, or never attended an event, you may be removed from the group, but you also may rejoin at any time.
5/ You agree that you are responsible for your own safety (see above personal responsibility paragraph)


Grade 1  any one that can hold a paddle.  If you have never paddled before and have a shorter SOT or similar type of craft, you could expect events up to 10 -12 km.   Most new members will wind up here for their first paddle, after which possibly adjust the grade to suit.

Grade 2   A person that can paddle between 15 -25 km's at a reasonable pace 5 to 6 km/h and can get back into or onto there craft with assistance.

Grade 3 A person that can paddle up to 25km's at approx 6 - 8 km/h.  Typically owns a sea kayak.

* A grade 2 and 3 paddler may not always be suitable for some events at that level (confusing l know) because we mainly paddle in flat water the grade's are based on that, for paddles in open water or area's out of the norm, the organizers will be more specific in there event descriptions of the events.

All Events will be graded, 1, 2 or 3 (or combination of).   Your grading must be equal to or above the grade of the paddle.   Eg, a grade 2 event can be attended by grades 2 and 3 but not 1.   If you ever feel you need to be re-graded please let me know.

We are all here for the same reason, we enjoy paddling. From time to time two single people might find they enjoy each others company but be respectful. Don't contact anyone you have never met before. If you do message someone you feel you hit it off with at an event and receive a negative or no response, don't contact them again. This is a group for paddlers to enjoy paddling and to feel safe, comfortable and relaxed.

Group links