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What we’re about

We meet once a month or so to enjoy an 8-10km bushwalk , visiting some of Victoria's stunning National and State Parks. Afterwards ,we retreat to a local pub for a parmy and pint . Open to all keen social bushwalkers. Ideal age group 40+
Our events tend to fill quickly. Its worth waitlisting , it nearly always clears before the event.

Please add a clear Profile picture to your profile if you havent already got one.

Please note we do not allow unsolicited messaging to other team members. One strike and you're out.


Our events may sometimes be difficult and considerably hazardous an due care will be taken to make sure that everyone is supported and safe. However, the organiser will not accept any liability for any injury or accidents to participants. Participants should take care, wear suitable clothing and footwear, maintain their equipment, and act appropriately in their surroundings. It is expected that you are responsible for your own safety. By rsvp’ing to this event you indicate acceptance of these terms. It is very strongly recommended that everyone has ambulance cover, as even an ankle injury could lead to costly evacuation.

Upcoming events (4+)

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