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What we’re about

Stealth, parkour, weapons and martial arts, lock picking, riding, tracking...If you've ever wanted to learn a skill (in real life) that a player character in a fantasy world would know, this group is for you. Our interests will be varied but brought together around a common theme of active nerdiness. We could practice natural movement and parkour in the forest for fitness, stealth games, learn knife throwing and archery, practice swordplay, learn plant identification, tracking and bushcraft, and anything else that fits the fantasy theme and our members have interest in. It's more reality based than a LARP and more active and easy to get into than the SCA, no garb required, and lots of calories burned.
This group is perfect for authors, Dungeon Masters and other content creators looking to research and understand more about how things actually worked in the pre-modern world. But its also perfect for anyone with geeky interests to explore and learn and meet like minded people.

This group is about finding others to learn and practice the things you're interested in. If you have something you are already skilled in, knowledgeable about, are doing and would like to teach, or even if you'd just like to start learning it and would like others to accompany you, or are willing to do some research to do a lecture, please contact the organizer and arrange to host an event!

The group communicates in person, and also on our Discord server at You're not required to use discord to keep up with us and if you prefer meetup discussions or email, please let me know, but there are many resources and conversations posted there already and its a convenient way to keep in touch.

Upcoming events (4+)

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