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Mysore (Ashtanga) - All Levels W/Kelly Brinkman

Photo of Yoga Sanctuary
Hosted By
Yoga S.
Mysore (Ashtanga) - All Levels W/Kelly Brinkman


“Mysore-style” is a particular way of teaching yoga within the Ashtanga Yoga tradition. In Mysore, class is not “led” as a whole but rather instruction is one-on-one within a group-class setting. Students memorize the Ashtanga sequence at their own pace as students can adjust the practice based on their individual needs, including modification for injuries, body proportions or the energy level of a practitioner. This class has no teacher, but others in the room are available for guidance as well as to share the collective energy. Mysore is adaptable for beginners yet also offers challenges and advancement for those wishing to progress.

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