Wellness In French - An Expanded Practice
This is an expansion on the Yoga In French Study Group that welcomes anyone interested in learning about health, wellness, and wellbeing in French.
I, Carmita, will share vocabulary related to the category of health, wellness, wellbeing, yoga, physical therapy, mental health, spiritual health, fitness, and nutrition through guiding yoga and meditation, reading articles, sharing information, and offering time for Q&A.
If you're someone who would like to take your practice from English to French this is a place to practice language skills and share your knowledge and experience with those in attendance. Send me a direct message via MeetUp to discuss how you can guide a wellness session within the group.
All levels are welcome. To complete registration for this free event please click on the Eventbrite link included in this section: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wellness-in-french-study-group-tickets-1020915274067?aff=oddtdtcreator
NOTICE: I am NOT a French Teacher. I'm a yoga teacher who enjoys French culture and am learning how to teach yoga in French. This group allows people to come together in a virtual space to learn, practice, and share in the language. All are welcome.
Wellness In French - An Expanded Practice