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What we’re about

This group focuses on short accessible hikes or nature walks for those with mobility, conditioning, or disability issues that are keeping them from getting out in nature, or who have found other hiking groups go too far and too fast to keep up, or over trails that are too challenging.

This group caters specifically to those who are mobility challenged, or have other physical or conditioning issues that make slow, short hikes preferable. Myself, I have back and lung problems that are limiting, but I still love to get outdoors!

Most hikes will targeted to be around a mile, on flat, easy trails, with a goal of being outside 45 minutes to an hour at most. Where possible I will try to find trails that have several short loops and call out if they have sections that are designated as "accessible "(i.e., flat surfaces designed specifically for mobility aids).

A goal of this group is to create a safe and friendly space where people do not need to move fast or focus on distance. "How slow can you go?" is our motto. Look around, enjoy the light, the sounds, and the company of others. Bring a camera!

Any hike I list, I will try my best to provide a description of the trail conditions, length, etc. The slowest person sets the pace (usually me). Although of course groups can get a little strung out, staying somewhat together and taking breaks will be encouraged.

No animals please other than leashed & trained service dogs. You are of course welcome to bring a friend. We observe all park rules. Some hikes will be at Audubon/Trustees reserves, which may require a small fee if you are not a member.

Disclaimer: Hike leaders are volunteers and do not claim any specific expertise. I cannot guarantee the accessibility of every trail for every person, but will provide descriptions so you can judge whether to try it. You are the best judge of your health and conditioning, and you agree that by attending an event with this group, you are entirely responsible for your own person. You agree that you understand the risks of outdoor recreation on hiking trails and will not hold this group or hike leaders liable in the case of bodily injury, as per Section 6 of the Meetup Terms of Service.