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Christian Nationalism Unmasked

Photo of Matthew Elisha
Hosted By
Matthew E.
Christian Nationalism Unmasked


Join the Jefferson Humanists for this special presentation. Bruce T. Gorley from Americans United for Separation of Church and State will talk about Christian Nationalism: Historical Perspective and Effective Responses.

You will learn:

  • How it will impact democracy in the United States.
  • How it will attempt to make our nation a theocracy based on the Christian religion
  • How this will overturn Separation of Church and State (part of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution)

Bruce T. Gourley, holds a Ph.D. from Auburn University in American History, is currently editor of Church & State, a bimonthly publication of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, an Instructor at Montana State University, author of nine books, many dealing with Baptist history, former Executive Director, Baptist History and Heritage Society, former Editor, Baptist History & Heritage Journal. He has frequently written about church-state separation from the perspective of an historian of American history.

Doors open at 3:30 pm and presentation starts at 4pm. There will be a reception with food and drink after the presentation.

This event is presented by Jefferson Humanists with a generous grant from the American Humanist Association. Sponsors include Jefferson Unitarian Church, First Universalist Church of Denver and Americans United for the Separation of Church and State.

There is another presentation of this event on September 22nd at the Jefferson Unitarian Church of Denver. See for for more information and to RSVP.

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Jefferson Humanists
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First Universalist Church of Denver
4101 East Hampden · Denver, CO
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