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Enjoy Japanese tradition with plum blossoms ! Spring excursion in Kyoto !

Photo of Gong
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Enjoy Japanese tradition with plum blossoms ! Spring excursion in Kyoto !


(日本語での案内は英文の次に記載:参加資格=18歳以上45歳以下/The information in Japanese is written after English sentence : Age limit = Over 18 and 45 or under)

Enjoy plum blossoms and flowers that bloom in winter ! at noted places of plum blossoms in Kyoto, it's the best opportunity to see plum blossoms every year. In this event, we can enjoy different kinds of flowers and trees and nature !
First, it's the bast noted place for plum blossoms in Kyoto, "Kitano Tenmangu" ! It's famous for God of studying as well ! There are about kinds of 50 plum blossoms and 1,500 plum blossoms, and you can see not only the vibe and the smell of plum blossoms but also different flowers, trees and nature enjoying plum tee and Senbei.
Second, it's Hirano shrine that we can enjoy seeing flowers even if it's winter season ! Although it's a small shrine, you might be able to see winter cherry blossoms and Japanese daffodils. Although it depend of the year whether what kinds of flowers, let's enjoy "once in a life time opportunity" together !
Lastly, it's Mt. Funaokayama ! Although it's like a park that is kind of a small and that tat height is 112 m (45m from the foot of the mountain), you can see around of a whole of Kyoto city there.
You can enjoy lunch at a cozy caffe ! Lunch meal of the special of the day and curry of beef tendon are very popular there !
It's suitable for hiking beginners so, t's not worrying about it because you have to go up to rapid slops.
Let's enjoy walking exploring Japanese culture in Kyoto together !
( Walking distance = about 9km : Level= beginners )

〇 Date and time
1st Match 2025 (Sat.)

〇 Meeting place and meeting time
Hankyu railway, Saiin station at AM11:30
※ Meet together in front of west ticket gate of the station.
Pay attention that we would never wait for you and go ahead if you were late !

〇 Overall schedule
• 11:30 : Meet together in Hankyu railway, Saiin station ! Move to caffe, Off Time that is located on the way to Kitano Tenmangu !
• 12:00 : Have lunch at the cozy caffe, Off Time ! You can choose special of the day, Japanese beef tendon curry, Hashed beef rice, Miso pizza (all of them are 880 yen) and etc. !
• 13:00 : Leave from the caffe and move to Kitano Tenmangu ! Walk along Tenjin rive, drop in Yo-kai street and Kyoto Bukkyo museum on the way to Kitano Tenmangu !
• 13:30 : Arrive at Kitano Tenmangu ! Hang out thete and see plum blossoms ! Enjoy plum tea and Senbei there ! ( 1,200 yen)
• 14:30 : Leave from Kitano Tenmangu and move to Hirano Shrinenest next to Kitano Tenmangu ! Hang out in the shrine !
• 15:00 : Leave from Hirano shirine and move to Mt. Funaokayama !
• 15:30 : Arrive at the observatory of Mt. Funaokayama ! Let's drop in the shrine that Sengoku warrior, Nobunaga Oda is worshiped, Kenkun shrine as well
• 16:00 : Leave from Mt. Funaokayama and move to subway, Kuramaguchi station !
• 16:20 : Arrive at subway, Kuramaguchi station and dismiss there ! You can go to JR Kyoto station directly if you go back to your home by JR or you can go to Hankyu Torimaru station directly if you prefer Hankyu railway from there (Both of them are about 10 minutes ).

〇 Participation fee
※ Your transportation expenses, entrance fee of Kitano Tenmangu (1,200 yen included plum tea and Senbei), lunch fee (around 1,000 yen) should be prepared by yourself.

〇 Condition of cancelation
・If weather forecast of the previous day says that the probability of the rain is 50% over.
・If there are 3 participants or under as of PM11:30 on the previous day.
※ Notification of cancelation will be informed on this Meetup site by AM8:30 on the event day.

〇 Note
• Please push "Going" button if you will join it. If you would not do it, you could not join us even if you would visit our Meeting place. We will never admit that you bring someone that didn’t sign up to attend this event. Please join us after confirming that your attendance is registered or not before you come to our event on that day.
• If you could not join it after you pushed “Gong button”, please cancel it at the latest 24 hours before the meeting time. If you cancel it after that "without asking" for permission, you will be banned to join our group permanently.
• Participants for hitting on girls, promoting any kind of religion, network business or the other business are driven out from this event as soon as we find it.
• The organizer never takes responsibility for any trouble and any accident in this event.


※ 参加資格=18歳以上45歳以下(参加資格を満たさない方の参加登録はご遠慮願います)

○ 日時

〇 待ち合わせ場所と待ち合わせ時間
※ 駅の西改札口に集合!

〇 概略スケジュール
• 11:30 : 阪急西院駅集合!北野天満宮までの途中にあるカフェオフタイムに移動!
• 12:00 : アットホームなカフェ、オフタイムでランチ!日替わりランチプレート、国産牛すじカレー、ハヤシライス、味噌ピザ(全て880円)等から選べます!
• 13:00 : カフェから北野天満宮へ移動!天神川沿いを歩きつつ、通り道にある一条妖怪ストリート、京都佛立ミュージアムに寄って現地へ!
• 13:30 : 北野天満宮に到着!散策し、梅を観賞!梅茶とせんべいを頂きます!(1,200円)
• 14:30 : 北野天満宮を去り、隣にある平野神社へ移動!平野神社を散策!
• 15:00 : 平野神社を去り、船岡山へ移動!
• 15:30 : 船岡山の展望スペースに到着!織田信長が奉られている建勲神社にも寄りましょう!
• 16:00 : 船岡山を去り、地下鉄鞍馬口駅に移動!
• 16:20 : 地下鉄鞍馬口駅に到着、そこで開催!JR沿線の方はJR京都駅まで、阪急沿線の方は阪急烏丸駅まで1本で行けます(どちらも約10分)。

○ 参加費
※ 交通費、北野天満宮梅苑入園料(1,200 円 : 梅茶、せんべいつき)、昼食代(1,000円前後)は各自でご負担願います。

〇 キャンセル条件
※ キャンセルの通知はイベント当日のAM8:30迄にこのMeetupのサイトで通知します。

〇 注記
• 参加される場合、参加ボタンを押してください。参加ボタンを押されていない場合はたとえ待ち合わせ場所を訪問頂いてもご参加頂けません。また、このイベントに参加登録をしていない方をお連れする事は一切、認めません。よって、イベントの当日、待ち合わせ場所にお越しになられる前に参加の登録が行われているか否かをご確認の上、ご参加下さい。
• 参加ボタンを押された後のキャンセルは遅くとも集合時間の24時間前までにお願いします。それ以降、"無断で"キャンセルされた方は永久に我々のグループへの参加を禁じます。
• ナンパ、宗教、ネットワークビジネス、保険、その他、勧誘を目的とした参加は見つけ次第イベントから退出頂きます。
• オーガナイザーはこのイベント中のいかなる事故やトラブルについての責任は負いません。

~Website for reference / ご参考ホームページ~
・Kitano Tenmangu / 北野天満宮
・caffe Off Time / カフェ オフタイム
・Hirano shrine / 平野神社
・Mt. Funaokayama / 船岡山

Photo of 【KIOG】Kansai International Outdoor Gathering group
【KIOG】Kansai International Outdoor Gathering
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Hankyu Saiin station
saiin takayamaderatyo 38-1, kyoto city, kyoto, Japan · Kyoto
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