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What we’re about

We are inviting anyone to our monthly sessions using clowning, play, and the creative arts to develop a sense of community, connection, creativity, celebration, and of course the clown in each of us. See below what we mean by that.

We will meet for 4 hours per month to play together, believing that is the best way to meet and really get to know ourselves and other humans.
If this appeals to you, be welcome!

Playground - the idea is to create a space that is out of daily life. A time that is not productive, not work, not even work on yourself. It’s free time. Time for free play, where you can follow any inner impulse and experiment with it, not fearing consequences because there are none - all is reversible in the playground, and you don’t have to achieve anything.

Community - a big pillar for these sessions is to slowly weave something most of us are missing nowadays - a community of people that are physically there, that are palpable, that you can hug, laugh with, tickle, hit (lightly), look at, cry, touch, do nothing with. It’s a place to meet others, to create bonds.

Connection - the glue for this process is a genuine connection. We will go through exercises and group dynamics that make it easier to listen to yourself, say yes to what your body and subconscious are saying, connect with all the layers of yourself. Simultaneously, we will connect with others, see and be seen, be supported, validated, and sometimes perhaps be challenged in our assumptions. Authentic contact will be the safety net and connect us deeper.

Creativity - when our plans and intellect can’t control anymore, we find other intelligences, other resources. We will discover surprising ways by not following the usual ways. We will discover that in everyone there is an endless source of answers and potential. We will use our bodies, voices, breath, visual imagination, collective images, dreams, and everything to enrich our reality. We will unblock our flow.

Celebration - whatever we are, whatever appears, we will celebrate it. Cherishing ourselves, the simple fact we exist and breathe and eat and feel is magic, and too often we don’t give enough space for appreciation. A toast to the small things!

Clowning - the state that the clown in us brings upon is one of full presence, heightened attention, open expression, and playful mischief. We will tap into this world of emotions and dreams, this land of big ideals and big falls too. A party of imperfections and mistakes. We are all fallen angels and primitive monkeys in one body.

The state of play and ease - is what you can take with you from these encounters into your life. And also - really close friends and perhaps, in the future, partners for joint creative projects.
The idea is to gather in Lisbon a community of people interested in welcoming this in their lives, a space where you can safely come with everything you have inside.
Let's play together. And see what's born of it!

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