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Lisbon P.


Clowning in Connection between Inside and Outside
by Pedro Fabião

"For me, Clown in its essence is an altered body/mind state of full connection, curiosity, authenticity, playfulness, generous expression and transformation. It's not a technique, a method, light entertainment or rational humour – it involves a life-long journey to accept and play with what is really happening to you in front of an audience. Its function is to release the tension between the opposites of life by turning them upside down, originating laughter and a poetic transformation". Pedro

In this workshop we will clear what you communicate to the outside to let the audience see what’s essential in you. Everything will be aimed at generating life between you and the audience. The role of Pedro will be providing the conditions so together you can find what truly unbalances, moves and thrills you – and help you reveal it. We will experience strong emotions and find a playful channel for them. You’ll be sometimes out of control, and you will taste both failure and vibrant joy.

It's a deep workout in clown state and presence, finding the mask and counter-mask of the clown, clear emotions and freedom, discovering it in continuous complicity with both the audience and partner. Make the journey from you - the performer - to the clown, and from the clown to clown play, and back. Rely on your breath and body awareness to guide you through basic and revealing clown improvisations. Cut through distorted notions of what Clown is and find it in the reality of your own authentic experience.

The more you practice it, this work will have growing BENEFITS on:
- going from emptiness to emotion, emotion to motion, motion to action, action to clown play, clown play to clown madness, cutting through ideas or constructs
- the awareness to yourself, and how to play with any emotion coming between you and the other one
- getting to better know who is your clown, their likes and dislikes, rooted in a clear communication
- generating connection, complicity and trust with your play partners
Pedro's approach is based on pleasure, respect and challenge at the level each person is willing to take. It can be tailored according to the kind and purpose of each group.

"At Pedro's workshop, for the first time, I realized that making mistakes is great. That it's precisely in that moment you feel alive. And you can use that energy to live. Pedro’s workshops are fun. So much fun! At one point, I was literally holding my stomach from laughter.

Pedro is tactful. And very precise. He can poke at you, but in such a way that it wakes you up to life. Pedro senses everyone. He reads people and directs attention to where tension is building up. He’s light and kindly ironic. The atmosphere of the training is pleasant, and he creates it wonderfully.

The exercises vary. You're constantly learning something about yourself, trying things out, feeling things. And everything is done through play. Naturally. This workshop in June became one of the most powerful experiences of the last few years for me. I want to go towards myself, in any way possible—even through clowning. I’m really looking forward to the next meeting—with Pedro, with my clown, with my inner child, with my true self".

LEVEL: Beginner to intermediate.
There is a progression in the training. Pedro adapts the pedagogy to participants’ level of experience, so that everyone can find meaningful and practical material to use in their artistic work or just everyday life.

Pedro Fabião is one of the most active international clown teachers (having taught in more than 25 countries) and a pioneer in top companies business trainings (Google, McKinsey, Columbia University Business School) crossed with the authenticity, empathy, creativity, improv and humour skills of a clown.

LISBON, 28-29 September 2024, 10:00-19:00

Participation fee: 200 EUR.
Please, note that contribution is non-refundable in case you cannot attend the session. However, your place is transferrable to another person.
Payment details:
- MB WAY: 937 990 470
- Bank transfer:
IBAN: LT54 3250 0191 4370 6182
Beneficiary: Alena Kuzmina

Please send the proof of payment and any questions you may have to the organizer by WhatsApp: +351 937-990-470 (Alena)

Photo of Lisbon Playground group
Lisbon Playground
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