Tools to grow your community

Meetup Pro is the control center for your groups, allowing you to create branded experiences, reach your member’s inbox, and explore sponsorship options to build global communities. Pro has the tools to grow and manage your community with ease.


Build and nurture your email list

  • Build an email list: With Meetup Pro you can get the email addresses of members who RSVP to your events
  • Get to know your attendees: The custom registration form gives you insight into your community, including name, job title and reason for attending
  • Own your communications: Export everything into your CRM or use our MailChimp integration so you can engage your community with monthly newsletters and personalized emails


Establish your brand

Meetup Pro makes it easy to share your mission, vision and brand with members on your own network page. The network page is your community hub allowing you to showcase all of your groups, events and content in one place. You can create custom headers, network logos, and highlight links to your own website, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages. Having a recognizable and consistent brand builds trust and increases membership.

Better branding means better support. Meetup Pro lets you highlight sponsors on your group pages, making it easier to show sponsors some love and get funding for your community. You can manage network wide or group specific sponsors from a single location.


Be where your customers are

With Meetup Pro you can create an unlimited number of groups around the world. You can host multi-group events, send cross-group messages, and get insights to find the trends that drive engagement 

Manage and scale your community

Meetup Pro allows you to manage multiple groups in a single location. Group and member dashboards let you filter your community to find the right audience and send them the right message. Identify the most active members and ask them to host your next event, or find the least active members and re-engage them. 

With Network Events, you can schedule a single event across all of your groups and reach your entire community at the same time

Review insights that show your most successful events, community growth, and RSVP trends to do more of what works.


New GraphQL API

With Meetup Pro you can access the new GraphQL API and integrate your Meetup data info with the rest of your community data exactly how you want.

GraphQL is a modern way to request data from APIs that was developed to minimize the amount of data transferred and increase software engineering productivity.

GraphQL allows you to craft your own queries and returns the exact fields you specify. By specifying the exact fields you need, network traffic and unnecessary processing is reduced. More exact queries also increase clarity for your engineering staff.

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