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What we’re about

Metro Detroit Social (MDS) group is just as it is named, a social group.  While there certainly are singles in the group, and members are not discouraged from dating one another, the intent of group events is to meet up and do fun things with other group members.  Occasionally events are cross posted with other groups which are more oriented for singles/dating, and MDS event hosts are encouraged to make a note of this in event descriptions.  

What does MDS do?  This group is for young active friendly people to get together and meet each other.  We do fun stuff, together.  We do whatever it is we like to do.  This includes but is not limited to volunteering, yoga, drinks, dancing, hiking, biking, movies, roller skating, game playing, concerts, trips, festivals... the list goes on.  Any event where members can "meet up" and be social.  While the items listed might not interest you, we do whatever our members want to do -- so don't be intimidated, speak up, let us know what you'd like to do, and we will try to help you make your event idea a reality.  

Who can be members of MDS?  In order to maintain the original intent of the group, new members should generally be between the ages of 20 and 39 years old.  In order to be accepted into MDS, members must answer the list of profile questions in order to join -- we don't require essays, you profile will help other member to know a bit about you.  Members also must have a profile picture which clearly shows their face (no flowers, sunsets, dogs, or group pictures) so we know who you are and most importantly can identify you at events.  

Where are MDS events?  Mainly, all over what people consider to be "Metro Detroit."  Event locations usually range from as far west as Ann Arbor, as east as St. Clair Shores, as north as Rochester, and as south as downriver.  Of course many are in the central area -- Royal Oak, Ferndale, and Detroit city.  Events are usually posted in locations which are convenient for events hosts.  So if you would like to see more events near you -- speak up and/or step up (to host).  Event locations are typically kept private such that only MDS members can attend.  

Is there a cost to be a member of MDS?  Currently the group costs ($180/year) are covered by the group organizer.  Members are encouraged to "chip in" if they are enjoying the group, but dues are not required.  Occasionally events will have costs required to RSVP.  

Are there other rules in MDS?  Not so much, we just want members to be comfortable and enjoy events.  Joining an event you do not know anyone can be intimidating.  MDS event hosts are encouraged to help members find the group by posting their telephone numbers or comments with descriptions of how to "meet up" with the group.  Hosting is not always easy -- keep in mind organizers and event hosts are not compensated, they are volunteering to put forth extra effort to help members meet up to do fun things.  MDS members are also encouraged to help each other to "meet up" at events.  The primary rule of the group is to treat other members well.  In the event any member makes you uncomfortable (i.e. too aggressive, creepy, rude, etc.), please report this to the event host, leadership team, or the group organizer.  Such members will be removed from the group.  

Other notes:

---Why do I need to RSVP?  RSVPs are required so event hosts can know how many people will attend and can help each person to "meet up" with the group (if needed).  RSVPs also help other members know what to expect.  Please RSVP YES if you plan to join, and please update your RSVP if your plans change and you will not be able to join.  There is nothing more annoying to an event host than showing up to an event expecting people to come, and nobody does.  So RSVP, and be respectful of others by honoring/updating your RSVP.  

---Why is this group so big?  Try not to be intimidated by the group size, what really matters is the quantity of active members -- those who RSVP YES and attend events.  Event hosts can limited attendance quantity (with or without a waiting list) depending on the type of event/venue or on personal preference.  Some of the very best events have only a handful of attendees -- where members can be social with less people.  

---Why is there no event host (for some events)?  Occasionally there are events posted with no event hosts.  These are mainly recurring events with activities which MDS members enjoy.  Members can help each other "meet up" -- it is generally quite easy.   

---Why doesn't MDS have more events like [insert event type here]?  Again, while MDS attempts to post a variety of events to keep members interested and active, our leadership team is limited in our ability to post and host all types of events in all locations.  If you want to do something which is not posted, please reach out and let us know.  

---Why doesn't MDS have events for playing sports?  While we have had events like a kickball league in the past, the Meetup group "Metro Detroit Athletes" (MDA) is a more suitable group for those interested in playing sports.

---How can I contribute more in MDS?  Members can contribute just by joining events and being active in the group.  Active members who are interested in becoming official "event hosts" should reach out to the organizer.  Event hosts can post and host events by themselves.