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Learning to truly love

Photo of Erica Richardson
Hosted By
Erica R.
Learning to truly love


#### September: Learning to love truly

In day-to-day terms, Buddha encourages us to focus not only on our own well-being but also on the happiness of others. Starting in September, we’ll be entering the path of a Bodhisattva, meditating our way through love, compassion, and the supreme good heart.

These classes will help open our heart and mind to include everyone in our journey toward freedom. Imagine you're trying to find joy and meaning in your own life—Mahayana Buddhism teaches that true, lasting happiness comes when we also work to help others find that same peace and joy.

These teachings and meditations provide value for everyone, Buddhist or not, and whether you’re following the whole series or just dropping in -- so please feel free to attend any class.

Photo of Meditation & Buddhism in Denver group
Meditation & Buddhism in Denver
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Every week on Sunday until September 22, 2024

Kadampa Meditation Center Colorado
4840 W 29th Ave · Denver, co
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